Sub-Brand Logo Guidelines

In this Section:

Sub-Brand Logos

Sub-Brand Logo Colors

Sub-Brand Chapters and Affiliates

Sub-Brand Logo Size and Spacing

Sub-Brand Logo Minimum Size


The following is a sampling of the current sub-brand logos within the Make-A-Wish overall brand architecture. Available in both vertical and horizontal orientations (vertical shown to the right), these logos help identify events and happenings as part of the Make-A-Wish story.

While both vertical and horizontal orientations are available, we recommend using the vertical orientation whenever possible.



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Like the main Make-A-Wish logo, the sub-brand marks may only appear in blue, black, and white. For additional color guidelines, please refer to page 44 of the brand book.



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All Make-A-Wish subbrand logos may appear with or without mention of a specific chapter or affiliate. The same rules regarding the width of the chapter or affiliate text width apply as with the main logo (page 49).



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Sub-brand logo templates are supplied by the National Office. Each chapter can customize with their chapter or location name according to the below guidelines.

When used with local chapters and international affiliates, the length of the chapter or affiliate should not exceed the width of the Make-A-Wish logotype (excluding the registration mark).

Clear space guidelines equaling the height of the Make-A-Wish logo should be maintained at all times. On the horizontal version, the clear space is measured from the top and bottom of the vertical divider rather than the logotype.

Template files should be modified in Adobe Illustrator. The identifier text is the only element that should be changed – size and placement of the chapter/affiliate name should not be altered. Once updated, the text should be converted to outlines and saved in an EPS format.



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To protect legibility and impact, the vertical sub-brand logo lockup must be reproduced no smaller than 0.9" tall (22.86 mm) when used with the chapter or affiliate identifier. This minimum size increases a bit when no chapter or affiliate identifier is used – 0.625" tall (25.4 mm).

For horizontal sub-brand logos, minimum size is 0.5" tall (12.7 mm) with chapter or affiliate identifier, and 0.3125" tall (7.938 mm) without the identifier.



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