Anniversary Logo Guidelines

In this Section:

Anniversary Banner Size and Spacing

Anniversary Banner Minimum Size


Anniversary banners will be supplied by the National Office to celebrate major milestone years. Banners should not be recreated.

When used with local chapters and international affiliates banners must be placed below the chapter/affiliate name within the logo lockup, aligned to the left edge of the Make-A-Wish logotype. The size should not exceed the width of the Make-A-Wish logotype (excluding the registration mark. Regarding placement, the amount of space above the banner should be equal to the space between the Make-A-Wish logotype and the top edge of the chapter/affiliate name. Clear space rules still apply (page 46).

Banners should appear in the same color as the logo used in the lockup (blue, black and reversed banners are available.




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To protect legibility and impact, the logo lockup with anniversary banner must be reproduced no smaller than 1.25" (31.75 mm). When reproduced in sizes smaller than this minimum, the logo loses its legibility and impact.



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